Frequently Asked Questions

Why should I design a custom graduation website?

Why shouldn't you, is the question! Designing your own custom graduation website may seem daunting but don't worry - The Graduation Hub makes everything easy for you so you have one less thing to worry about. The importance of this website is not only for the graduate, but for their family and friends! The past four years is cause for a huge celebration that your custom website will make sure all of your loved ones can celebrate with you!

In addition to your loved ones celebrating with you, you have more reasons to share your graduation:

  • Gifts: It is a tradition after marking this huge milestone that your family and friends will send gifts or money to help start the next chapter of your life.
  • Celebration: You've put in hard work and dedication to earn your degree/diploma. Your loved ones may travel from far away to celebrate with you at your convocation/commencement ceremony. Customize your website to include nearby hotels, attractions, and hot spots on campus to give your family and friends perspective on your last 4 years.

How long does it take to receive my custom website?

How do I build my graduation announcement website?

What information do you need to build my custom graduation announcement website?

Can I change my information after publishing my website?

How do I share my announcement website?

What is the cancellation policy?

What do you do with my information?